Henrik – HEDINGE and JULIAN Higuerey (who?)
(Sweden -Caracas)
15 June 2008
who? 15/06/2008 00:26
do you have an image?
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:26
do you here my microphone?
who? 15/06/2008 00:26
i do but it«s very noisi
15/06/2008 00:26
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:26
i dont see any image from you
who? 15/06/2008 00:28
how about now?
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:28
yes iMage
who? 15/06/2008 00:28
ok good
15/06/2008 00:28
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:28
just trying file transfer for tomorrow
who? 15/06/2008 00:29
15/06/2008 00:29
do you need me to wear something sp?cific?
15/06/2008 00:29
or to take something to the space?
15/06/2008 00:29
i think i'll be bleaching my hair tonight
15/06/2008 00:29
to look more swedish
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:30
15/06/2008 00:30
thats proper preparations
who? 15/06/2008 00:30
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:30
I saw your birthday post at Ignacions Facebook:)
who? 15/06/2008 00:30
and i'll talk ecxclusively in english
15/06/2008 00:31
i was getting in the you character
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:31
Apart from some strange words in Swedish which you dont know how to translate
who? 15/06/2008 00:31
i also got depressed over the footbal match
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:31
15/06/2008 00:31
sweden spain?
who? 15/06/2008 00:31
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:32
More up to date then me.
who? 15/06/2008 00:32
15/06/2008 00:32
it was on where i had lunch
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:32
Been helping a friend all day to build a paint ball course
15/06/2008 00:32
so been carrying logs all day by hand
who? 15/06/2008 00:32
that sounds like fun
15/06/2008 00:32
15/06/2008 00:32
not so much anymore
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:32
No paintball today, only carrying logs
15/06/2008 00:33
So if you are going to be me tomorrow, your arms cant lift anything more:)
who? 15/06/2008 00:33
well i guess you can enjoy the course more afterwards
15/06/2008 00:33
15/06/2008 00:33
good to know
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:33
I think I am going to emjoy building it more than using it:)
who? 15/06/2008 00:33
15/06/2008 00:34
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:34
Is it going to be a program tomorrow?
who? 15/06/2008 00:34
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:34
Or are you/starting?
who? 15/06/2008 00:34
all five things are going to happen simultaniously
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:34
who? 15/06/2008 00:34
we have to choose a space
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:34
So I can tell you to interact with them etc?
who? 15/06/2008 00:34
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:34
Like which corner?
who? 15/06/2008 00:34
15/06/2008 00:34
the space is a house
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:35
When do we choose?
who? 15/06/2008 00:35
that's been transformed into a photography studio
15/06/2008 00:35
tomorrow i guess
15/06/2008 00:35
but if you want something specific
15/06/2008 00:35
let me know
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:35
When will you be there?
who? 15/06/2008 00:35
how early do you need me to be ther
15/06/2008 00:36
i think an hour for conection trial
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:36
I am going to be be busy buildijng on the paint ball course all day so we are not going to be very much in advance...
who? 15/06/2008 00:36
ok so lets say45 minutues ahead?
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:36
I have a really slow internet connnection here but it seems to work quite well.
who? 15/06/2008 00:37
yes it works well
15/06/2008 00:38
i think it will be fun
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:38
I have unplugged the main lamp here for the computer and the camera thats way its a bit dark here (and my arms dont wanna lift anything now...=
15/06/2008 00:38
Where are you now?
who? 15/06/2008 00:38
at home
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:38
A bit dark there too
15/06/2008 00:38
Is it dark outside now?
who? 15/06/2008 00:39
yes, the sun sets quite early
15/06/2008 00:39
15/06/2008 00:39
ther's still some sun
15/06/2008 00:39
but rain is comming
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:39
Here around 2200 today
who? 15/06/2008 00:40
i no longer understan the time here
15/06/2008 00:40
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:40
I meant that the sun set here at 22 00 today
who? 15/06/2008 00:40
but if our math are ok
15/06/2008 00:40
15/06/2008 00:40
15/06/2008 00:40
15/06/2008 00:40
that's late
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:41
Its northern Europe. And this is in southern Sweden.
who? 15/06/2008 00:41
15/06/2008 00:41
my sister is living in canada now and it's the same there i think
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:41
Been a bit worried about how much I need to prepare for tomorrow
15/06/2008 00:41
But think I am getting some ideas now
who? 15/06/2008 00:41
15/06/2008 00:42
if i need anything to take that you think of writeme a mail
15/06/2008 00:42
and i'll try to get it in the morning
15/06/2008 00:42
tomorrow being sunday not a lot of things will be open
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:42
If I would do a performance like this, I think I would come there with a few suitcases. Prepared for a little bit more than what I needed
who? 15/06/2008 00:43
what kind of stuff?
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:43
What I have.
who? 15/06/2008 00:43
well what kind of stuff should i take
15/06/2008 00:43
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:43
What I have at that place
15/06/2008 00:44
different where I am in different places.
who? 15/06/2008 00:44
15/06/2008 00:44
well then i'll just take stuff
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:44
Fill two bags (backpack, suitcase or whatever) with things.
who? 15/06/2008 00:44
15/06/2008 00:44
i will
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:44
All kind of random things.
who? 15/06/2008 00:44
15/06/2008 00:46
sorry wrong button
15/06/2008 00:46
did you got the flier?
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:46
Yes by mail.
who? 15/06/2008 00:47
cause if you want we can also transit not only the house but also spaces around the house
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:47
A local paper paper called me but I dont know if or when it comes in the paper
who? 15/06/2008 00:48
what's being printed on it?
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:48
Like about that I am going to sit in this tiny town instruction a performance in Venezuela.
15/06/2008 00:49
Why, how etc
who? 15/06/2008 00:49
15/06/2008 00:49
that's cool
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:49
Could have done some more email marketing
who? 15/06/2008 00:49
15/06/2008 00:50
i have to go now
15/06/2008 00:50
dinner with my parents
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:50
I am going to sleep here
who? 15/06/2008 00:50
15/06/2008 00:50
see you tomorrow then
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:50
Last man stading in this house
who? 15/06/2008 00:50
have a good sleep
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:50
Dream about logs, thats what I am going to do...
who? 15/06/2008 00:50
15/06/2008 00:51
well if you dream with logs bring fire
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:51
Bring a log to the performance and drag around it the whole day:)
who? 15/06/2008 00:51
that might be hard to find
15/06/2008 00:51
but i'll look for it
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:51
Maybe just an imaginary
who? 15/06/2008 00:51
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:52
have a great sunday dinner with your parents
15/06/2008 00:52
Say hello from Sweden
who? 15/06/2008 00:52
will do see you tomorrow
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:52
And also tell them that Swedish football team anyway crap
who? 15/06/2008 00:52
hedinge 15/06/2008 00:53
We always get to the european and world championships
15/06/2008 00:53
but always loose in the group game or the game after
15/06/2008 00:53
well hasta manana
who? 15/06/2008 00:53
that's more than the venezuelan team
15/06/2008 00:53
hasta ma?ana
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:09
are you in the place?
15/06/2008 17:11
hello hello
15/06/2008 17:14
are you there?
15/06/2008 17:17
pum pum pum
15/06/2008 17:18
or is the time difference other then what we thought...hmmm
who? 15/06/2008 17:21
15/06/2008 17:21
15/06/2008 17:22
15/06/2008 17:22
15/06/2008 17:22
15/06/2008 17:22
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:22
Well if the wifi quick enough.
15/06/2008 17:22
I am using a wifi connection and super slow adsl internet
who? 15/06/2008 17:25
we are on
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:30
Has the event started?
who? 15/06/2008 17:32
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:32
Hello hello
who? 15/06/2008 17:32
had some issues with conection
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:32
But it is 11am at your place?
who? 15/06/2008 17:32
but now they are fixed
15/06/2008 17:33
15/06/2008 17:33
we should start anytime now
15/06/2008 17:33
let me bring the stuff
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:33
Is there any people there?
who? 15/06/2008 17:33
you can look the space
15/06/2008 17:33
not really
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:33
Looks like a kitchen?
who? 15/06/2008 17:34
it is
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:34
I have not connected anything yet.
who? 15/06/2008 17:34
we used to have another room but internet didn't got there
15/06/2008 17:34
ok perfect
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:34
I am going to look for the Swedish flag here.
who? 15/06/2008 17:34
let me go bring the stuff
15/06/2008 17:37
ok we are set
15/06/2008 17:37
hey henrik, im ignacio, from performancelogia
15/06/2008 17:38
julian are you and you are julian?
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:39
I think today we only prepared julian as me:)
15/06/2008 17:39
Happy birthday!
who? 15/06/2008 17:39
thanks a lot, man
15/06/2008 17:39
very lucky
15/06/2008 17:39
15/06/2008 17:39
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:39
see you
who? 15/06/2008 17:40
good luck
15/06/2008 17:40
so let's wait 10 minutes
15/06/2008 17:40
to start
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:40
Ok maybe I should just change clothes over here all the time or should I bee yellow and blue?
who? 15/06/2008 17:41
those are the bags with stuff
15/06/2008 17:41
15/06/2008 17:41
it could be fun to change
hedinge 15/06/2008 17:43
Is that sound from you?
15/06/2008 17:44
My fan on the computer is making very much noise
15/06/2008 17:44
so mic is not working very good from here
15/06/2008 17:44
And we can also save that
15/06/2008 17:44
good if much is written for the futuree
15/06/2008 17:44
15/06/2008 17:44
15/06/2008 17:50
nice blond hair:)
15/06/2008 17:50
but very short....
15/06/2008 17:51
So how many people are there now?
15/06/2008 17:51
Would it be possilbe to take a few digital photos of all the space and send them to me?
15/06/2008 17:52
(First instruction)
15/06/2008 17:53
You should be on the photos in with at least five of the things you brought
15/06/2008 17:58
checking the sound
15/06/2008 18:02
the horn did not work either?
who? sent file "DSC06510.JPG" to members of this chat
15/06/2008 18:03
who? sent file "DSC06511.JPG" to members of this chat
15/06/2008 18:03
who? sent file "DSC06515.JPG" to members of this chat
15/06/2008 18:03
who? sent file "DSC06518.JPG" to members of this chat
15/06/2008 18:03
who? sent file "DSC06520.JPG" to members of this chat
15/06/2008 18:03
hedinge 15/06/2008 18:05
some kind of traditional horn from chile
15/06/2008 18:06
photos going to take long time to transfer
15/06/2008 18:06
15/06/2008 18:06
I cancel them all
15/06/2008 18:07
15/06/2008 18:07
who? 15/06/2008 18:15
hedinge 15/06/2008 18:15
15/06/2008 18:16
Another person is using the internet here too so might get a bit slow sometimes.
15/06/2008 18:16
Which thing of the ones you brought do you like the most?
15/06/2008 18:17
photos loading here.
who? 15/06/2008 18:18
do yo have my sound?
hedinge 15/06/2008 18:18
15/06/2008 18:18
I can see the lunch box now
15/06/2008 18:19
15/06/2008 18:19
so far only you there?
15/06/2008 18:19
I can send you of interviewing some people. With the questions?
15/06/2008 18:20
15/06/2008 18:20
1. Have you ever been to Sweden?
2.Why do you like Sweden?
3. Whats is your favorite Swedish dish?
15/06/2008 18:21
If you could ask some people yes. And write it down. Maybe find someone in the street too.
15/06/2008 18:21
4. What do you know about Sweden?
15/06/2008 18:24
we have thunder weather here today so might need to shut down for a period at some point
15/06/2008 18:25
we have thunder weather here today so might need to shut down for a period at some point
15/06/2008 18:27
dont start the webcam yet. I will download the photos first
15/06/2008 18:31
quite thundery here at the moment
who? 15/06/2008 18:31
15/06/2008 18:31
i ask 3 persons
15/06/2008 18:31
first one answers were
15/06/2008 18:31
15/06/2008 18:31
15/06/2008 18:31
something with salmon in it
15/06/2008 18:31
a lot of things
15/06/2008 18:31
second one answers were
15/06/2008 18:31
15/06/2008 18:32
i haven't got money to know,
15/06/2008 18:32
doesn't know any swedish dishes
15/06/2008 18:32
have not studied about sweden
15/06/2008 18:32
third one answers were
15/06/2008 18:32
hedinge 15/06/2008 18:33
Conclusion: No one knows anything about Sweden.
15/06/2008 18:33
15/06/2008 18:33
15/06/2008 18:33
Conclusion: No one knows anything about Sweden.
15/06/2008 18:34
Conclusion: No one knows anything about Sweden.
who? 15/06/2008 18:32
he doesn't know, he haven't been there
15/06/2008 18:33
doesnt't know
15/06/2008 18:33
he has no money to go so no knowledge
15/06/2008 18:33
i'll see if i can find more people
15/06/2008 18:34
have you downloaded the pics?
hedinge 15/06/2008 18:35
Conclusion: No one knows anything about Sweden.
15/06/2008 18:46
We have had terrible thunder and hazel storm.
who? 15/06/2008 18:36
that is correct
15/06/2008 18:36
do you want me to continue to ask this questions throughout the day?
15/06/2008 18:47
is it over now?
hedinge 15/06/2008 18:48
Its around 20 degrees here and suddenly 2cm of ice on the ground
15/06/2008 18:48
Conclusion: No one knows anything about Sweden.
15/06/2008 18:49
Think that is Norway though...
15/06/2008 18:49
Then we have to teach them at some point:)
15/06/2008 18:49
Ok now we do:
15/06/2008 18:49
Swedish man eats banana.
15/06/2008 18:49
come on, you too.
15/06/2008 18:50
sorry no bananas from venezuela here
15/06/2008 18:51
colombia or costa rica
15/06/2008 18:51
How are they per kilo?
15/06/2008 18:51
the price?
15/06/2008 18:52
A bit over 2 dollars here.
15/06/2008 18:52
Alrigt. No guavas here.
15/06/2008 18:52
Yes per kilo.
15/06/2008 18:52
Well you know I have done a few "Swedish man eats banans" performances before.
15/06/2008 18:52
15/06/2008 18:53
15/06/2008 18:53
We have 2 rainbows now.
15/06/2008 18:53
We have to bananas.
15/06/2008 18:53
We have to Swedish people.
15/06/2008 18:54
now the sun is back
15/06/2008 18:54
radical weather for radical people (maybe)
15/06/2008 18:54
or the other way around.
15/06/2008 18:55
is the text mirrored at my webcam?
15/06/2008 18:56
but the text is it normal?
15/06/2008 18:56
15/06/2008 18:56
Magia de la naturaleza
15/06/2008 18:57
Ok. No one knows abything about Sweden.
15/06/2008 18:57
15/06/2008 18:57
15/06/2008 18:57
Think that you now should be dragging around imaginary logs.
15/06/2008 18:58
wooden logs
15/06/2008 18:58
of Swedish pine
15/06/2008 18:58
Looks good.
15/06/2008 18:58
Is it possible for you to record the sound?
who? 15/06/2008 18:58
do you want me to drag it throug the street?
hedinge 15/06/2008 18:59
15/06/2008 18:59
15/06/2008 18:59
There nothing in skype?
15/06/2008 18:59
First here and there in the place.
15/06/2008 19:00
Good luck.
15/06/2008 19:00
Show me some picture!
who? 15/06/2008 19:05
nice picture
15/06/2008 19:05
dance dance dance
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:07
oh I will get an apple to
15/06/2008 19:07
15/06/2008 19:07
1 sec
15/06/2008 19:08
15/06/2008 19:08
eating apples together
15/06/2008 19:08
who? 15/06/2008 19:09
this performance is called [venezuelan man eats apples*
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:09
venezuelan men east apple
15/06/2008 19:09
15/06/2008 19:10
swedish man eats banana
who? 15/06/2008 19:10
the wild wild apples man
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:10
and venezuelan men eats apples
who? 15/06/2008 19:10
15/06/2008 19:11
hi henrik
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:11
15/06/2008 19:11
who are you?
who? 15/06/2008 19:11
she is francis
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:12
a pink elk horn
15/06/2008 19:12
great and my kimono
15/06/2008 19:12
we have a theme
15/06/2008 19:13
go for it
15/06/2008 19:13
How did the log dragging go?
15/06/2008 19:14
I think this performance with eating fruit via webcam is really good.
15/06/2008 19:14
15/06/2008 19:14
Lets dance in our dresses.
15/06/2008 19:14
Is there no music now?
15/06/2008 19:15
Do you have some swedish music on the laptop?
15/06/2008 19:15
15/06/2008 19:15
15/06/2008 19:16
Well Roxette
15/06/2008 19:16
Do you know that band?
15/06/2008 19:16
15/06/2008 19:16
That and ABBA
15/06/2008 19:16
is maybe only the Swedish music reached Venezuela (of popular music)
15/06/2008 19:16
yes yes
15/06/2008 19:17
Get some people togehter to dance there with you
15/06/2008 19:17
15/06/2008 19:18
in sweden there is a company producing conserved fish, they are called ABBA too
15/06/2008 19:18
Equally know in Sweden
15/06/2008 19:19
I need a bigger comboy hat!
15/06/2008 19:20
Any musica?
15/06/2008 19:20
15/06/2008 19:21
Dont have any guava here so we can't do that global fruit performance
15/06/2008 19:22
I'll go and check.
15/06/2008 19:23
I can t here anything here!!!!
15/06/2008 19:25
15/06/2008 19:26
damn, a big audience
15/06/2008 19:27
15/06/2008 19:27
Do you know all the people that is there?
15/06/2008 19:28
15/06/2008 19:29
how are you doing?
who? 15/06/2008 19:29
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:29
hablaz ingles?
15/06/2008 19:29
who? 15/06/2008 19:29
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:29
Como estas?
who? 15/06/2008 19:30
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:30
Visto qualcosa interessante?
who? 15/06/2008 19:30
veo cosas|interesantes
15/06/2008 19:31
me voy
15/06/2008 19:31
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:31
who? 15/06/2008 19:35
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:35
who? 15/06/2008 19:35
we have a riddle
15/06/2008 19:35
for the last question
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:35
was talking to a different person
15/06/2008 19:35
who? 15/06/2008 19:35
i have no idea what the answer is
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:36
who? 15/06/2008 19:36
so i let you to the person who is trying to answer
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:36
15/06/2008 19:37
Como estas?
15/06/2008 19:38
15/06/2008 19:38
what she was doing?
15/06/2008 19:38
15/06/2008 19:38
15/06/2008 19:39
15/06/2008 19:39
15/06/2008 19:39
15/06/2008 19:39
15/06/2008 19:39
15/06/2008 19:39
well we are getting somewhere!
15/06/2008 19:40
some people in England said they like Swedish teeth too!
15/06/2008 19:40
is he from Sweden? tinker bell?
15/06/2008 19:40
I don't have a clue.
15/06/2008 19:41
Well write the answers them!
15/06/2008 19:41
We can use it later
15/06/2008 19:41
who? 15/06/2008 19:42
yes and no i havenÀt been there
15/06/2008 19:42
doesnÀt like the cold
15/06/2008 19:42
doesn't know swedish dishes
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:42
Some childstory by Astrid Lindgren?
who? 15/06/2008 19:42
very little knowledge
15/06/2008 19:42
5th said
15/06/2008 19:42
15/06/2008 19:43
doesn't know
15/06/2008 19:43
doesn't know
15/06/2008 19:43
15/06/2008 19:43
the girl said
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:43
no no no no no no and no
who? 15/06/2008 19:43
havenÀt been but has dream about it
15/06/2008 19:43
likes the teeth
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:43
We should make you into the Swedish information office in Caracas!!!
who? 15/06/2008 19:43
favorite dish is the water
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:43
Melted from the snow?
who? 15/06/2008 19:44
and she know about pirates and tinkerbell kind of thing in sweden
15/06/2008 19:44
aparently something she could swim on
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:44
who? 15/06/2008 19:44
did you find any exotic fruit?
hedinge 15/06/2008 19:44
Do you know all the people there?
15/06/2008 19:44
So forgot.
15/06/2008 19:44
I'll run and check.
15/06/2008 19:46
15/06/2008 19:46
15/06/2008 19:46
taste of gingerbread
15/06/2008 19:47
not like ginger, like gingerbread
15/06/2008 19:47
gingerbread is a sweet bread with a little little litlle flavour of ginger
15/06/2008 19:48
mainly pepper and sweet
15/06/2008 19:48
15/06/2008 19:48
do you need to peel your fruit?
15/06/2008 19:48
I have to peel mine
15/06/2008 19:49
it is almost a cooking show!
15/06/2008 19:50
loooks delisous
15/06/2008 19:50
me stuck here with a hard root...
15/06/2008 19:51
here you taste it
15/06/2008 19:51
whs do you think
15/06/2008 19:51
15/06/2008 19:51
mm the best guava I have ever had
15/06/2008 19:52
15/06/2008 19:52
Your cat?
15/06/2008 19:53
Thinking of this eating food via webcam
15/06/2008 19:53
Seen anorexia sites about how to starv eachother but not eating live!
15/06/2008 19:53
15/06/2008 19:54
Or, mum I am going to eat via webcam
15/06/2008 19:54
I am soon full now with all this webcam food
15/06/2008 19:55
I know some people that wanna eat together with you I think.
15/06/2008 19:55
Well not today.
15/06/2008 19:55
The people I organize the 2 A4 pages per artist place
15/06/2008 19:55
Next weekend?
15/06/2008 19:56
Some day.
15/06/2008 19:56
Well talk more.
15/06/2008 19:56
Ask people there to pick
15/06/2008 19:56
out things
15/06/2008 19:57
that you brought that you should interact with
15/06/2008 19:57
15/06/2008 19:57
15/06/2008 19:58
What is that?
15/06/2008 20:02
Show me the tattoos!
15/06/2008 20:02
The tatoos of that guy!
15/06/2008 20:04
what is that?
15/06/2008 20:04
Is it a ball?
15/06/2008 20:10
15/06/2008 20:10
Looks like you have to give the ballons away.
15/06/2008 20:11
That is some venezuelan
15/06/2008 20:12
Looks very good as a performance
15/06/2008 20:12
(If you only could be a bit further away from the camera...
15/06/2008 20:14
Blue and yellow balloons
15/06/2008 20:15
Aha, the durational piece, blowing 9 million ballons (the same number as Sweden's population)-
15/06/2008 20:18
How many people are there now?
who? 15/06/2008 20:18
about 10 i say
hedinge 15/06/2008 20:19
who? 15/06/2008 20:19
more asking?
hedinge 15/06/2008 20:19
Maybe replace Sweden with the Nordic or Europe.
who? 15/06/2008 20:20
hedinge 15/06/2008 20:20
No one knows anything about Sweden anyway.
15/06/2008 20:20
Nordic or Europe.
15/06/2008 20:20
Do a run with Europe.
15/06/2008 20:22
sooo many balloons and sooo far away
15/06/2008 20:25
el globo global
15/06/2008 20:25
los globos globales
15/06/2008 20:31
15/06/2008 20:32
from Caracas!
15/06/2008 20:32
15/06/2008 20:32
last answer?
15/06/2008 20:33
If you have them on paper we can write them down later.
who? 15/06/2008 20:33
hedinge 15/06/2008 20:33
15/06/2008 20:33
Ingmar Bergman?
who? 15/06/2008 20:33
i played abba a|whil?e ago
15/06/2008 20:34
i'll do itagain
hedinge 15/06/2008 20:34
15/06/2008 20:34
Meant if noone knew that for example from Sweden.
15/06/2008 20:34
well well
15/06/2008 20:35
A boxing game with the Swedish santa.
15/06/2008 20:37
is this a good durational piece?
15/06/2008 20:38
if I only had sound here.
15/06/2008 20:38
15/06/2008 20:38
for the future.
15/06/2008 20:38
15/06/2008 20:39
2 hours to go.
15/06/2008 20:39
More than half.
15/06/2008 20:39
Hmm and now....
15/06/2008 20:42
15/06/2008 20:42
1. a am
15/06/2008 20:42
1 I am normally a very calm and non violent person
15/06/2008 20:42
2 never play computer game
15/06/2008 20:42
15/06/2008 20:43
And here we are fighting over webcam....
15/06/2008 20:43
15/06/2008 20:43
very physical this webcam thing
15/06/2008 20:44
I ll show you a Swedish
15/06/2008 20:44
arists that
15/06/2008 20:44
was covering all the things in plaster.'
15/06/2008 20:44
No not plaster. Wait
15/06/2008 20:44
15/06/2008 20:45
15/06/2008 20:45
like when you hurt yourself on the finger
15/06/2008 20:45
15/06/2008 20:46
Small ones
15/06/2008 20:46
With a bit glue in each end
15/06/2008 20:46
and the thing for the wound in the middle
15/06/2008 20:47
a stuffed bird covered with it
15/06/2008 20:48
15/06/2008 20:48
You know the artist Christo?
15/06/2008 20:48
So this the Christo comedian.
15/06/2008 20:48
Covering everything in esparadrapo
15/06/2008 20:49
I am really warm here.
15/06/2008 20:49
Today we were not moving logs, today we moved stones.
15/06/2008 20:50
Today we had a small tractor.
15/06/2008 20:50
Us guys with no drivinlisence driving around there with hugh stones on the tracktor...
15/06/2008 20:51
Using chainsaw to cut trees in shorts
15/06/2008 20:51
Yeah. But no one energy to take the photos
15/06/2008 20:51
no energy in the arms
15/06/2008 20:52
All the other performers performing all the time?
15/06/2008 20:52
Ah a cooperation with the sound guy.
15/06/2008 20:52
You take the swedish national anthem
15/06/2008 20:53
and sing it while he makes sound in some way.
15/06/2008 20:53
15/06/2008 20:56
Do you find the lyrics?
15/06/2008 20:58
15/06/2008 20:58
who? 15/06/2008 21:00
15/06/2008 21:00
i thing io sang pretty badly
15/06/2008 21:01
i'll go walk with bballons
15/06/2008 21:02
see if i can ask anyone new
hedinge 15/06/2008 21:02
and sing the song
15/06/2008 21:02
who? 15/06/2008 21:02
15/06/2008 21:02
in the street?
hedinge 15/06/2008 21:02
15/06/2008 21:03
swedish people like to sing (when they are drunk)
15/06/2008 21:16
how is it coming along?
who? 15/06/2008 21:17
15/06/2008 21:17
i sang outside
hedinge 15/06/2008 21:17
the more singing, the more training, the better singing.
15/06/2008 21:17
We did a record attempt in singing the word lemon 69 minutes.
15/06/2008 21:17
And we did it!
15/06/2008 21:18
(lemon, lemon, leeeeemooon etc)
15/06/2008 21:18
Do you sing otherwise?
who? 15/06/2008 21:17
whiler walking
hedinge 15/06/2008 21:19
while walking?
who? 15/06/2008 21:19
yes i walked and sang
hedinge 15/06/2008 21:20
any reaction?
15/06/2008 21:21
15/06/2008 21:21
Could you sing it to me?
who? 15/06/2008 21:21
hedinge 15/06/2008 21:23
dont know why stopping
15/06/2008 21:23
connection lost again.
15/06/2008 21:24
I'll log out and restart skype.
15/06/2008 21:25
back again
who? 15/06/2008 21:26
got some answers from europe
15/06/2008 21:26
very vague though
hedinge 15/06/2008 21:26
it says call refused.
15/06/2008 21:26
15/06/2008 21:27
now its working
15/06/2008 21:27
yes yes yes yes
15/06/2008 21:28
sounds good
15/06/2008 21:28
15/06/2008 21:28
15/06/2008 21:29
15/06/2008 21:29
just print a fake passport and sing that and you'll get into the country,
15/06/2008 21:29
It sounded quite much as it is actually
15/06/2008 21:30
a bit quick at some points
15/06/2008 21:30
Army melodys
15/06/2008 21:30
get him to sing it!
15/06/2008 21:30
15/06/2008 21:30
15/06/2008 21:31
I'm impressed!
It's getting better and better!
15/06/2008 21:32
All the songs just different twist on the national anthem...
15/06/2008 21:32
Sorry, the flowers?
15/06/2008 21:32
15/06/2008 21:33
ha ha
15/06/2008 21:33
did you sing in that band too?
15/06/2008 21:33
15/06/2008 21:33
then you have been in more bands then me...
15/06/2008 21:34
merenge voval band?
15/06/2008 21:34
15/06/2008 21:34
the drums there too?
15/06/2008 21:34
make the sound
15/06/2008 21:35
do you play any instruments apart from the voice?
15/06/2008 21:35
like me then
15/06/2008 21:35
15/06/2008 21:35
One hour to go?
15/06/2008 21:35
Last hour
15/06/2008 21:35
15/06/2008 21:36
I need to eat but not another apple....
15/06/2008 21:36
Hmm the other objects.
15/06/2008 21:37
Wait, did you see paper towels?
15/06/2008 21:37
paper napkins?
15/06/2008 21:37
sound quite bad now from you.
15/06/2008 21:37
but out of paper?
15/06/2008 21:38
15/06/2008 21:38
Then get people together and
15/06/2008 21:38
do a collective sneezing.
15/06/2008 21:42
well a start
15/06/2008 21:42
maybe you never have any colds in Caracas?
15/06/2008 21:43
I am hungry.
15/06/2008 21:43
Should we eat bread togehter?
15/06/2008 21:43
What kind of bread do you have?
15/06/2008 21:44
15/06/2008 21:45
i'll go and find some bread
15/06/2008 21:45
15/06/2008 21:45
steal some bread!
15/06/2008 21:47
i've got two slices of white bread here
15/06/2008 21:48
what do you prefer to eat via webcam?
15/06/2008 21:49
whats your favorite webcamm food?
15/06/2008 21:49
what? bread from the street?
15/06/2008 21:49
banana best, apple funniest, bread most needed
15/06/2008 21:50
15/06/2008 21:51
what did yuy have for breakfast?
15/06/2008 21:51
only this webfood?
15/06/2008 21:51
never eat breakfast?
15/06/2008 21:52
no breakfast and really late dinner in the evening?
15/06/2008 21:53
I feel better now after that web bread
15/06/2008 21:53
shame that you can't save the web bread as a memory.
15/06/2008 21:53
Best Web Bread ever
15/06/2008 21:53
onley 10.99
15/06/2008 21:54
15/06/2008 21:54
15/06/2008 21:54
drag around
15/06/2008 21:54
the Swedish log again.
15/06/2008 21:54
the log.
15/06/2008 21:57
Next thing footcam.
15/06/2008 22:03
Show me your foot he he
15/06/2008 22:04
five toes too
15/06/2008 22:04
what is the wierdest thing on webcam?
15/06/2008 22:04
in general
15/06/2008 22:05
or what we can invent
15/06/2008 22:05
snow melting?
15/06/2008 22:05
thats a good idea
15/06/2008 22:06
or a banan going bad
15/06/2008 22:06
fruit chat
15/06/2008 22:06
I like fruit in performances
15/06/2008 22:07
Maybe we should do it as a paying service.
15/06/2008 22:07
Wathching us eating fruit and bread!
15/06/2008 22:07
15/06/2008 22:07
Americans, germans and japanese
15/06/2008 22:08
(Swedish prejudice)
15/06/2008 22:09
What more stuff do you have?
15/06/2008 22:09
which colour on the gloves?
15/06/2008 22:09
which lingua with the dictionary?
15/06/2008 22:10
fake swedish cooking
15/06/2008 22:10
Frying pan
15/06/2008 22:10
15/06/2008 22:10
and something more.
15/06/2008 22:11
Fake frying apple and coffee together plus some flowers.
15/06/2008 22:11
Northern Swedish traditional recepy.
15/06/2008 22:11
Cook it where you can get some sound effects
15/06/2008 22:12
and music with it.
15/06/2008 22:12
TV chef!
15/06/2008 22:18
anyone took photos?
15/06/2008 22:18
looks good.
15/06/2008 22:18
15/06/2008 22:18
like people in the northern Sweden used to make it
15/06/2008 22:18
ah we forgot
15/06/2008 22:19
half a litre of vodka
15/06/2008 22:19
the vodka is really important
15/06/2008 22:19
its a bit dry now, isn it?
15/06/2008 22:20
I am glad that you have not starved yourself through the performance.
15/06/2008 22:21
is it changing colour
15/06/2008 22:21
15/06/2008 22:21
on how
15/06/2008 22:21
hungry you are?
15/06/2008 22:21
whats the green colour?
15/06/2008 22:22
oh no I am starving to death aaaaahhhh
15/06/2008 22:22
(the red colour)
15/06/2008 22:22
winter jacket
15/06/2008 22:23
i think mine says that i need
15/06/2008 22:23
15/06/2008 22:23
and so quick
15/06/2008 22:24
think we ve done some good work here today
15/06/2008 22:25
A mini training bike in pink????
15/06/2008 22:25
your sisters?
15/06/2008 22:25
or from an old performance?
15/06/2008 22:26
scaring people of
15/06/2008 22:26
maybe you should just run around and scream curses in Swedish
15/06/2008 22:26
(dont know why really)
15/06/2008 22:27
Leg still bad?
15/06/2008 22:27
15/06/2008 22:27
15/06/2008 22:27
15/06/2008 22:27
Helvetes Dj?vla Skit
15/06/2008 22:28
15/06/2008 22:29
who? 15/06/2008 22:29
a cofee
hedinge 15/06/2008 22:29
I can go and get some tea
15/06/2008 22:30
Is it warm coffee?
who? 15/06/2008 22:30
yes, dont sleep
15/06/2008 22:30
15/06/2008 22:30
warm coffee
hedinge 15/06/2008 22:30
22.30 here now.
15/06/2008 22:31
beuys had a rabit
15/06/2008 22:31
I only have a rabbit face
who? 15/06/2008 22:31
16.00 here now
hedinge 15/06/2008 22:32
great angry swedish man
15/06/2008 22:32
angriest swedish man in the world
15/06/2008 22:32
ha ha
15/06/2008 22:32
15/06/2008 22:33
will do some webvodka one day too
15/06/2008 22:33
can't do everything the first time
15/06/2008 22:34
15/06/2008 22:34
15/06/2008 22:34
A bit of stretching after all the work today.
15/06/2008 22:35
yes and pretend it is swedish stone that you are lifting
15/06/2008 22:35
15/06/2008 22:36
so heavy
15/06/2008 22:37
15/06/2008 22:37
swedish stone
15/06/2008 22:38
it is so load
15/06/2008 22:39
with anice handle
15/06/2008 22:39
so the thing is going on forever?
15/06/2008 22:40
15/06/2008 22:40
15/06/2008 22:40
we have done too much. oh nooo
15/06/2008 22:41
I am really tiered now.
15/06/2008 22:41
I think the curses was a good end.
15/06/2008 22:41
But if you have something more on your mind...
15/06/2008 22:42
I need some more food and a cup of tea now.
15/06/2008 22:42
15/06/2008 22:43
15/06/2008 22:43
Have you told her?
15/06/2008 22:45
I'll go for the tea now.
15/06/2008 22:45
Nice being you, being me.
15/06/2008 22:47
no more web swedes
15/06/2008 22:48
no more
15/06/2008 22:48
15/06/2008 22:48
15/06/2008 22:48
utan web swedes
15/06/2008 22:49
utan web swedes, no performance
15/06/2008 22:49
who? 15/06/2008 22:49
15/06/2008 22:49
talk to you tomorrow
hedinge 15/06/2008 22:49
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